Sustainable design

We have a strong commitment to sustainable development! It permeates the entire business and the view of entrepreneurship, strategies, products and design. As designers, we have great opportunities to influence how products are designed and manufactured, what resources are required and what values the product contributes with.

We have worked with products environmental impact for more than 20 years and are passionate about sustainable design and product development! The topic is more relevant than ever and we keep ourselves constantly updated through education, seminars, networks and workshops.

The biggest impact we have as a design agency is the products we develop for ourselves and for our customers. All physical products require raw material, manufacturing, assembly, transport and energy. In order to justify this, it is required that the product contributes with real value to its user and that it can be reused, remanufactured and recycled.

UN goals for sustainable development

As product developers and designers, we have the greatest impact within UN's goal number 12, responsible consumption and production, but also the other goals are considered in our work.


Principles for

sustainable design

How can we design products that encourage sustainable consumption and contribute to sustainable material flows?

In our design work, we start from, among other, 6 principles for sustainable design. These are developed by Öresund Strategy & Design's founder Marie Nilsson and was a part of her master thesis at the School of Industrial Design at Lund University 2008.


Industrial Design & Sustainable Consumption

Love, peace & sharing - Industrial design and sustainable consumption

Our sustainability

Ecological sustainability

We strive for a resource-efficient business, from fewer prints to business trips with minimal environmental impact. We choose to walk, bike and go by train as much as possible. We have completely opted out of air travel.

Social sustainability

We require fair working conditions, both by ourselves and by our partners and suppliers. We have an affiliated collective agreement with Sveriges Ingenjörer (Tekniktjänsteavtalet).

Economic sustainability

We work with business professionalism and a long-term approach.

Power tool concept