About us

Öresund Strategy & Design AB is a strategic design agency that helps you succeed with your product development.

With office in Helsingborg, we are a part of the dynamic and creative Öresund region.

We start from your needs

Our services are targeting product owning companies, technology consultancies and innovation supporting organisations. We start from your design ambition and contribute to strategy, design och product development work.

You can be...

A manufacturing company that wants to develop attractive consumer or industry products.

A technology consultancy in product development, that needs to complement with industrial design competence.

A business incubator that needs support, user focus and design.

Industrial design
Marie Nilsson


I have always designed stuff!

From lego houses, sand cakes and finger paintings... to ergonomic industrial vacuum cleaners, conceptual electricity system, smart waste handling, new thinking power tools, genuine chairs, practical packaging, challenging workout concepts, methodology for sustainable design and much more...

As engineer and industrial designer, I have +20 years experience from different roles in market driven product development of B2B products, ranging from smaller local to major international companies and own consultancy.


Senior Industrial Designer MFA

Founder of Öresund Strategy & Design

What can we offer?

We are your strategic design partner in design management, product strategy and industrial design. We work together with you to create sustainable strategies and effectively realize them into attractive, value-creating and competitive products and services.

With both engineering and industrial design competence, a unique combination of experience, strategic ability and capability to act, and a network of complementing competences, we can make your vision a reality.

We combine experience and knowledge with genuine commitment and joy in working creatively and visionary. We want to put the user at the center and add real values and it is important for us to create solutions that are sustainable from an economical, ecological and social perspective.

Öresund positionering och erbjudande

Why hire us?

With us, you get all the benefits from a smaller design agency...

  • direct and dynamic work methods
  • closeness and effective communication
  • flexibility to meet your changing needs

... as well as safety in our broad competence and long experience.


We have a strong commitment to sustainable development! It permeates the entire business and the view of entrepreneurship, strategies, products and design.

As designers, we have great opportunity to influence how products are designed and manufactured, what resources are required and what values the product contributes with.

Quotes & references


With a suberb strategic understanding and long experience of industrial design, Marie truly adds value to our development projects and portfolio discussions.

It is very rare to be able to deliver such a broad offering and I can therefore warmly recommend Öresund Strategy & Design.

Christian Norman

Product Development Manager

Hedson Technologies

Bintel smart sophantering
Bintel smart sophantering


Marie quickly absorbs technology and problems, and her background and competence quickly raise my products to something better!

Tom Johansen

Innovator and founder of iTunnan and Bintel


Marie's creativity is very great, as well as her ability to document and convey information in written, visual and oral form. Marie has a strategic mindset and great business understanding.

Extract from reference letter

from former manager


Marie is very creative and knowledgeable. Together with her design based approach, this has resulted in good and valuable results, often at higher level and quality than expected.

Extract from reference letter

from former manager


Marie possesses a very high potential, both qualitatively and quantitatively. She settles easily into new issues and has a very structured approach. She is energetic and driving, is self-sufficient and has great problem-solving ability.

Extract from reference letter

from former manager


Marie has shown great technical knowledge, good ability to lead an organization of 8-16 persons and to deliver the projects on time. The work has been successful as all new projects have created growth for the company.

Extract from reference letter

from former manager